Does Tashann run on Mac or Windows PC?

No. Tashann is a mobile app (Android & iOS) and doesn't run on desktop or laptop. However, our website is universal.

Is Tashann free or a subscription-based app?

Nothing in life is free! We are paying for you - currently!

Is my data/identity going to be safe?

Data Safety & Integrity is what we truly believe in & follow as well. All your data is encrypted and stored on the cloud.

Can I delete my data?

Yes, absolutely. You can delete your data anytime you want to. In fact, it will free up our encrypted storage space on the cloud as well!

Can anyone see my data or pictures?

No one else can see your data or pictures. They are absolutely private until you share them!


Can I login from multiple devices?

Currently, we do not allow this feature. You can login only 1 device at a time.

Can I share my login credentials with another user?

Umm - maybe! But then please don't blame us for loss of your privacy or personal data!

How many pictures can I upload at once?

While you can upload any number of images, you can upload max 15 images at a time.

Are there any storage restrictions?

Currently there are no storage restrictions. Remember - we are paying for your storage!


Can I edit the order of my images in my wardrobe?

Not really. But we have filters to help you narrow down options, or a search bar if you know exactly what you're looking for.

How do I help with my role in sustainability or philanthropy?

Multiple ways to do it...
Create a Wardrobe named 'Donate' & add items in it. Reach out to the needy or an NGO in your locality & do your bit of philanthropy. Create a Wardrobe named 'pre-loved' & add items you want to thrift away. Share this Wardrobe on social media and contribute towards sustainability!
We'd love to hear from you on your ideas about how we can enhance this experience.

Can I connect my account to my social media?

Right now, we allow sharing to Social Media. But we are exploring new ideas.


Won't it take a long time to categorize and store all my clothes in Tashann?

It's a breeze and it definitely is easier than organizing your physical wardrobe. Tashann is curated to help you quickly add photos with tools like the Quick Add feature which lets you save items directly from your camera, phone gallery, and your cloud storage. You have to take these pictures only ONCE and simply swipe through Tashann to find the right match to get dresses in the future. The more you TAG, the easier it will be.

Are TAGs customizable?

Yes indeed! You can & should create lots of TAGs. Create TAGs to label your Brands, Sizes, Prices, Colors, Occasions, or anything at all. And then use the Quick Search feature and search under TAGs to identify your item.


How can I save money using Tashann?
There are various ways by which you can save money using Tashann.
  • Organize your wardrobe digitally so that you know what you have & what you don't. This will save you from binge shopping, especially during offers & sales!
  • Tashann helps you identify your apparel that you'd like to donate. Doing this for a good cause will give you immense satisfaction & earn you self-esteem!
  • Tashann can help you identify the apparel you can thrift. For efficient logistics & scalability, rope in Tashann friends to collectively host a pop-up garage sale for pre-loved items in your locality.
  • Use the Suitcase feature when you are going on a vacation or holidaying. Once you know what you have in your digital suitcase, you will only buy what you need!
  • You are saving immensely on hot data & storage - since we are currently paying for it! And we have it encrypted & made it always available for you.


"Money saved is money earned"
All these features & more will surely help you to
save time, save effort & also save money -
even if we were to charge a minimal amount
so that you can be
At Your Best!

Questions, feedback, criticism, suggestions on
how to improve Tashann?

Contact us at
- we've got you!